GLOBALCULTURZ Vol.III No.2 May-August 2022 ISSN:2582-6808
Article ID-2022-3-2-004 Pages: 533-537 Language: Hindi
Date of Receipt: 2022.07.06 Date of Review: 2022.07.21 Date of Pub: 2022.07.25
Domain of Study: Humanities & Social Sciences Sub-Domain: Social Studies
डॉ0 रेखा ओझा
सहायक प्रोफेसर
दर्शन एवं तुलनात्मक धर्म विभाग, विश्वभारती, प० बंगाल, भारत
[Dept. of Philosophy & Comparative Religion
Visva Bharati University
Santiniketan, W. Bengal, India]
About the Author
Dr. Rekha Ojha is an internationally recognized academic leader in Feminist Philosophy, Ethics, Gender Studies, Film Studies, Spiritual Philosophy and Social Philosophy. She is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy and Comparative Religion, Visva-Bharati University (A Central University and an Institute of National Importance), Santiniketan. She holds a Ph. D from the North Eastern Hill University, Shillong and an M.A and B.A from the same University. Dr. Rekha has fifteen years of experience in both academia and industry. She is currently working as a Principal Investigator on a Major Project “Alternative to Imprisonment in India: An Ethical Perspective”, funded by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi. She has authored many books and her articles have appeared in several national and international academic journals. The name of her five important books is:
1. Women’s Right in India: A Feminist Perspective
2. The Concept of Equality in human and Gender Right Discourse
3. Dalit Women in India
4. Intersex Identity: An Ethical Perspective
5. Women and Child Trafficking in India
She has also presented papers in more than 50 National and International Seminars.
Note in English
The prison system as it operates today is legacy of the British rule in our country. It was the creation of the colonial rulers over our penal system with the motive of making imprisonment a terror to wrong doers. It is true to said that a man is not a criminal by birth but the social and economic conditions make him criminal.
This paper is an attempt to highlight some of the issues related to prisoners inside the jail. Prisoners should not be treated inhuman because the main motive of imprisonment is not to punish but to reform a criminal due to which he will be able to live in society normally after the completion of his punishment. The punishment system in Indian is also based on the reformative theory. There were many reforms in the Prison system in India but still there is need of some other reforms because the condition of prisoners in prison is degradable.
शोध सार
बड़े पैमाने पर, हमारे समाज में जेलों का अस्तित्व वैदिक काल से ही एक प्राचीन घटना है, जहाँ शासकों द्वारा अपराध के खिलाफ समाज की रक्षा के लिए असामाजिक तत्वों को एक जगह पर रखा गया था। जेलों को एक ' बंदी का घर '[3] के रूप में माना जाता था जहाँ कैदियों को प्रतिशोधी और निवारक दंड के लिए रखा जाता था। सत्रहवीं शताब्दी के अंग्रेजी राजनीतिक सिद्धांतकार जॉन लॉक ने कहा कि पुरुष मूल रूप से अच्छे थे, लेकिन 'समाज में कुछ हताश पुरुषों' को बनाए रखने के लिए कानूनों की जरूरत थी। अपने आपराधिक कानून में व्यक्त समाज का उद्देश्य व्यवस्था बनाए रखने के लिए अपने स्वयं के अस्तित्व की रक्षा करना है और सभी नागरिकों के लिए एक अच्छा जीवन जीने के लिए, दूसरों के साथ छेड़छाड़ से मुक्त करना संभव बनाना है।कानून लागू करने वाली संस्था को समाज द्वारा अपने नागरिकों की स्वतंत्रता का पर्दाफाश करने के लिए उन्हें उनके कर्तव्यनिष्ठ आचरण के संबंध में हिरासत में लेने की शक्तियां दी गई हैं।
बीजशब्द-जेल व्यवस्था, भारत, ब्रिटिश शासन, समाज सुधार