Contribution of Cinema in Managing Parental Stress in Dealing with Dyslexia in Child: A Case Study of the Hindi Film ‘Taare Zameen Par'

Title: Contribution of Cinema in Managing Parental Stress in Dealing with Dyslexia in Child: A Case Study of the Hindi Film ‘Taare Zameen Par'

Article-ID 202006012/I GLOBALCULTURZ Vol.I No.2 May-August 2020 Language:English:E                                                

Domain of Study: Humanities & Social Sciences

                                                                      Sub-Domain: Cine-Studies {Reviews*}

Sujit Kumar (Dr.)  

Associate Professor, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India


 Manali Takkar 

Research Scholar, mamangement, Mewar University, Gangrar, Chittorgargh, Rajasthan, India



The present paper is an example of adverse effect of stressed out parents on the development and mental growth of a child. It is based on an in depth analysis of the contribution of one of the Hindi film called Taare Zameen Par directed by Aamir Khan, Amole Gupte and Ram Madhvani in 2007 in seeking attention towards the mechanism of dealing with the children that are suffering from a mental disorder i.e., Dyslexia. The paper attempts to find out the cause of irrational or impatient behaviour of parents towards the child who actually require more warmth and patience to overcome the trouble in academics. In the end this paper emphasize the significance of work life balance in managing stress as well as the general approach to be adopted by the parents while dealing with their children suffering from dyslexia. In addition to this it advocates the positive impact of love, care, attention, reward, guidance and warmth contrary to comparison, expectation, ignorance, punishment and scolding upon the normal child.

Keywords: Dyslexic, Stress, Work life balance, Taare Zameen Par


Generally, films are meant for entertainment but there are films which addresses various issues such as family, social, economic, cultural, religious, scientific, space, differently challenged people and so on.  

डगमग राहों का पथिक: बच्चन की आत्मकथा

Title: डगमग राहों का पथिक: बच्चन की आत्मकथा

Article-ID 202006011/I GLOBALCULTURZ Vol.I No.2 May-August 2020 Language::Hindi                                                

Domain of Study: Humanities & Social Sciences

                                                                      Sub-Domain: Literature-Criticism

राम प्रकाश द्विवेदी 

 एसोसिएट प्रोफ़ेसर, डॉ० भीमराव अंबेडकर कॉलेज, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, दिल्ली-110094, भारत

[E-mail:]   [Mob:+91-9868068787]                                                                                                                                            


Harivansh Rai Bachchan is renowned poet and author of Hindi language.  He has authored a detailed autobiography which is widely read and gained respect among scholars, students and reearchers. A short-version of his four-volume writings were compiled by poet Ajit Kumar. The below article focuses on this particular book and explains the major events and contributions of Mr. Bachchan’s life. It also hilights important biographies written in Hindi language.  


आत्मकथा लेखन एक आधुनिक विधा है। हिंदी की पहली आत्मकथा बनारसीदास जैन की ‘अर्धकथानक’ मानी जाती है। आत्मकथा लेखन के क्षेत्र में सर्वाधिक ख्याति मिली महात्मा गाँधी को, जिनकी आत्मकथा ‘सत्य के प्रयोग’ विश्व स्तर पर प्रसिद्ध हुई। डॉ० राजेंद्र प्रसाद की ‘आत्मकथा’ भी एक अनूठी रचना है। हिंदी साहित्यकारों में बाबू श्यामसुंदर दास की ‘मेरी आत्मकहानी’,पांडेय बेचन शर्मा उग्र की ‘अपनी खबर’, बाबू गुलाब राय की ‘मेरी असफलताएँ’, सेठ गोविंद दास की ‘आत्म निरीक्षण’राहुल सांकृत्यायन की ‘मेरी जीवन यात्रा’, यशपाल की ‘सिंहावलोकन’ चतुरसेन शास्त्री की ‘यादों की परछइयाँ’ अज्ञेय की ‘लिखि कागद कोरे’ आदि की रचनाएँ अपने समय अौर समाज की नब्ज़ को टटोलती हैं। आज जब दलित अौर  स्त्री स्वर साहित्य जगत में मुखर हो रहा है तब स्वाभाविक ही है कि दलितों अौर स्त्रियों की आत्मकथाएँ हमारे समक्ष आएँ। इसी क्रम में मोहनदास नैमिशराय की ‘अपने-अपने पिंजरे’, अोमप्रकाश वाल्मीकि की ‘जूठन’, सूरज पाल चौहान की  ‘तिरस्कृत’ आदि आत्मकथाअों का आगाज हुआ। इन रचनाअों का तेवर बदला हुआ है। इनमें एक आक्रोश है तो एक आकांक्षा भी।

वैश्विक संवेदना की दो असाधारण कहानियां: ‘यारेग़ार’ और ‘प्रलय में नाव’

Title: वैश्विक संवेदना की दो असाधारण कहानियां: यारेग़ार और प्रलय में नाव
Article-ID 202006010/I GLOBALCULTURZ Vol.I No.2 May-August 2020 Language::Hindi                                                
Domain of Study: Humanities & Social Sciences
                                                                      Sub-Domain: Literature-Criticism
रमेश अनुपम (प्रो०)
204, कंचन विहार, डूमर तालाब ( टाटीबंध ), रायपुर, छत्तीसगढ़. 492010, भारत
[E-mail:]   [Mob:+91-9425202505, 6264768849]                                                                             

Note :
Litrary criticism is well known genre. Criticism of stories helps readers to understand the form and content as well as the contemporary issues raised in that. Some of Hindi stories address global sentiments by breaking the langauage barriers. ‘Naya Gyanadaya’ is widely read journal among Hindi scholars. It published two stories viz. ‘Yareghaar’ and ‘Pralay me Nao’ in its August, 2019 special issue. This article presents a comprehensive evaluation of these stories in global perspective.  
‘नया ज्ञानोदय’ (अगस्त 2019) का कहानी विशेषांक आज की हिंदी कहानी की मिज़ाज को रेखांकित करने वाला एक महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज की तरह है। इस अंक में संग्रहीत उन्नीस कहानियाँ ज़िंदगी के अलग-अलग फ़सानों को बयां करने वाली हमारे आज के इस दौर की महत्वपूर्ण कहानियाँ हैं। 


Dear Readers,
This first issue of Globalculturz

is before you. Scholars from India and abroad have contributed their ideas on varied and vast topics of knowledge and academic enquiry. It was a learning and building process for all of us. The layout, colors, designing and technical accessibility, all aspects were discussed. Sometimes it took several days to complete the things. Some of the issues are still pending and need further discussion. The improvement is a continuous process and the next few issues will be more elegant and more attractive. Though simplicity in presentation, language and technique is our core motto.

Periodicity and language of publication matters a lot for a journal. There is always a scarcity of quality research content and a good piece of creative work in every language. Keeping in view, the editors decided to publish it tri-annual which may be switched to quartery mode, a very common one, in future. It has been observed that short-pieces of writing on social media platform give more satisfaction and instant popularity and some serious scholars, too, prefer to opt for that. So, just the three issues of the Journal will be published in April, August and December every year. However, the updation and formatting of the articles will continue for the next one month to accomodate the late comers. Technically speaking the completed issue of April, August and December will be ready by the end of months of May, September and January respectively and will be available for the readers in perfect form. Ideas are not confined to any language or a particular group of society. They can flourish in any corner. Due to the constrain of human resource, we have limited the publication in three languages viz. Hindi, English and Japanese. It is obvious that for Japanese language, Tokyo Center team will be more helpful than any one us, here in India. The same is true vice-versa.
ISSN is another issue for which the editorial team will do its best. The idea is to move the ISSN applications in both countries-Japan as well as in India for the benefit of scholars. But, in any case well not deprive the ideas to get expressed
We are trying, We are experimenting. We are moving ahead. Your valuable suggestion are precious to us. Do write to us.  
May 19, 2020

हिंदी का उपेक्षित साहित्यकार ठाकुर जगमोहन सिंह

Title: हिंदी का उपेक्षित साहित्यकार ठाकुर जगमोहन सिंह
Article-ID 202004009/I GLOBALCULTURZ Vol.I No.1 Jan-April 2020 Language::Hindi                                                
Domain of Study: Humanities & Social Sciences
रमेश अनुपम (प्रो०)
204, कंचन विहार, डूमर तालाब ( टाटीबंध ), रायपुर, छत्तीसगढ़. 492010, भारत
[E-mail:]   [Mob:+91-9425202505, 6264768849]                                                                                                                                            

Summary in English

Modern Hindi was shaped by several authors, poets, and journalists during the time period of 1850-1900. This period is commonly known asBhartendu Yug’ , named after Bhartendu Harishchnadra, eminent Hindi poet and playwright. During this period an other novelists, Thakur Jagmohan Singh contributed a lot to enlighten the society through his famous literary workShyama Swapn’. This paper evaluates the contributions of Jagmohan Singh and highlights the importance of his literature

उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी का उत्तरार्ध हिंदी भाषा और साहित्य का उत्कर्ष का काल रहा है। इस काल में भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र के गम्भीर अवदान को कभी विस्मृत नहीं किया जा सकता है। भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र सच्चे अर्थों में हिंदी साहित्य के निर्माताओं में सबसे अग्रणी रचनाकार हैं। ’ कविवचन सुधा ’, ’ हरिश्चंद्र चंद्रिका ’, ’ बालाबोधिनी ’, जैसी पत्रिकाओं, ’ वैदिकी हिंसा हिंसा न भवति ’, ’ चंद्रावली ’, ’ भारत दुर्दशा ’, ’ नीलदेवी ’, ’ अंधेर नगरी ’, ’ प्रेमयोगिनी ’ जैसे नाटकों, ’ काश्मीर कुसुम ’, ’ बादशाह दर्पण ’ जैसे इतिहास परक ग्रंथों तथा अनेक कवित्त-सवैयों के माध्यम से जिस तरह से भारतेंदु हरिश्चंद्र ने हिंदी भाषा तथा साहित्य को नवीन संस्कार प्रदान किए, वह हिंदी साहित्य का एक स्वर्णिम इतिहास बन चुका है।