Title: गणिका विमर्श
Article-ID 202004007/I GLOBALCULTURZ Vol.I No.1 Jan-April 2020 Language:Hindi
Domain of Study: Humanities & Social Sciences
Sub-Domain: Cultural Studies
सत्य प्रिय पांडेय (डॉ०)
असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर, श्यामलाल कॉलेज, दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय, दिल्ली, भारत
[E-mail: info@globalculturz.org] [Mob:+91-87504833224]
Summary in English:
Indian female entertainers known as Ganika were an essential part of Indian courts. The auspicious presence, during crowning ceremony of princes and to encourage the departing soldiers, reflects their importance in the society. The female dancers were the prime source of sublime energy in male-dominated society. Their references are documented in mythological and historical scriptures of India. Different literary works have depicted the importance Ganikas in social life. Needless to say, that a very similar tradition in Japanese culture as Geisha is also present. Prof. S.P.Pandey in his scholarly article-GANIKA VIMARSH-has discussed the many dimensions of this common tradition of India and Japan. Though he has elucidated the Indian context only in this research.
प्राचीन साहित्य को देखकर यह लगता है कि वेश्याओं की स्थिति आज की अपेक्षा काफी अच्छी थी , उन्हें राज्याश्रय प्राप्त था , राज्य में वेश्याओं को लिए समुचित व्यवस्था थी | राजा के राज्याभिषेक के अवसर पर अथवा सेना के प्रयाण के अवसर पर वेश्याओं को सम्मुख किया जाता था , इनका दर्शन शुभ माना जाता था |